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Focus range selection ring on Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f:2.8 lens
Available for: Subal, Seacam, Nauticam, Isotta and Olympus
The Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f:2.8 macro is the lens most used by lovers of
macro photography with M4/3 equipments, and finally one of its
most practical and valuable qualities, the cool focus range selector, which includes a
direct access to the 1:1 format.
Precisely one of the main drawbacks of the M4/3 system is the approach
automatic. When we want to take a macro photo of a moving subject, we
the more likely it is that the camera will focus on a subject that is further away, resulting
often in photos with the background in focus, and the main subject out of focus.
With this ring you will be able to control this selector underwater.
Available for housings: Olympus, Nauticam, Subal, Isotta and Seacam
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